Irina Mayer (MSc), 2024-2025 Geometries and kinematics of faults in the Lower Helvetic, Tödi area (Switzerland)
Nicholas Heini (BSc), 2024 Exploration of clay-rich sedimentary formations in northern Switzerland: a mineralogical analysis to promote the use of calcined clays for clinker reduction for a more sustainable cement production
Maira Coray (MSc), 2022-2023 Reconstruction of the lithostratigraphy of the Paleozoic units of the Suretta Nappe by U-Pb dating of detrital zircons
Irina Mayer (BSc), 2022 High-quality sandstones for the use as hard rock aggregates? – Petrophysical properties of the Hohgant Sandstone
Gillian Iten (MSc), 2021-2022 Age and temperature conditions of folding and thrusting in the Säntis Nappe and the adjacent Subalpine Mo-lasse from U-Pb dating and clumped isotope thermometry
Lorena Juchler (MSc), 2021-2022 Automated Extraction of Layer Thickness Information from Geological Maps for the Rapid Evaluation of Mineral Occurrences
Silas Mauchle (BSc), 2021 Kartographische und petrographische Rekonstruktion der Abbaugeschichte des Bollinger Sandsteins
Maira Coray (BSc), 2021 Der Hohgant-Sandstein: eine potentielle Einheit für die Gewinnung von Hartgestein?