Join our team for the position “Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in im Bereich Georessourcen (m/w/d)”. You’ll find all the info in the official ETH job advertisment here.
Welcome Anja Amrein!
We welcome our new team member Anja Amrein joining our team on January 1st 2023.
Anja completed her MSc studies in Earth Sciences at the University of Lausanne in 2021. Since then she worked as trainee at the Swiss Geological Survey at swisstopo.
Anja will work in our hard rock aggregate project in collaboration with the Swiss Geological Survey at swisstopo. She will support us to automate the production of occurrences maps at the Switzerland scale and to manage the associated data.
Paper on 120 years of georesources research
We are happy to present here our groups’ paper on the applied georesources research history of the Swiss Geotechnical Commission (SGTK), our predecessor organisation. By reviewing the SGTK history with explaining some key exploration phases, we are discussing the challenges and chances of applied georesources research in Switzerland, somewhere between academic fundamental research and geological survey activites.
Heuberger, S., Nibourel, L., Fulda, D. & Vernooij, M. G. C. (2022). 120 years of georesources research in Switzerland: the Swiss Geotechnical Commission (1899-2018). Swiss Journal of Geosciences 115:10

Report on our group in the ETH Globe magazine
The article «Tracking down track ballast» in the current volume of the ETH Globe magazine (3/2021) documents the BSc thesis work of Maira Coray who was supervised by our group.
Swiss Tectonic Studies group excursion to the eastern Aar Massif

More than 20 geologists have visited and discussed structural geological highlights of the eastern Aar Massif in central Switzerland during a three day excursion organised by the Swiss Tectonic Studies group (Swiss Geological Society). The excursion on 27.-29.8.2021 was guided by Lukas Nibourel (Georesources Switzerland Group, ETH Zurich) and Marco Herwegh and Alfons Berger (Geological Institue, University of Bern).
The excursion guide is available here:
New paper on active faulting in NE Switzerland
A new article by Stefano Fabbri (Uni Bern) and co-authors (co-authored Stefan Heuberger) on seismic data from the Lake Constance, indicating active faulting in the area, was just published in Frontiers in Earth Science.
Interview in Swiss Radio SRF on historic mines
An interview with Stefan Heuberger on the significance of Swiss historic mines was broadcasted on 15.7.2021; as part of the SRF summer series “Tiefgang” (depth), within a report on the former gypsum quarry in Schleitheim.
New team member
We welcome our new team member Joël Morgenthaler joining our team on April 1st 2021.
Joël completed his studies in Earth Sciences at our department in 2020. Since then he worked as trainee at the Swiss Geological Survey at swisstopo.
Joël is succeeding Gérard Perren in our data science project in collaboration with the Swiss Geological Survey at swisstopo.
Just published!
A new article by Lukas Nibourel and co-authors on the Eastern Aar Massif was just published in the Swiss Journal of Geosciences. Congratulations!
Report on cement raw materials (swisstopo)
Cement production – Report on raw material demand and supply situation in Switzerland with contributions from the Georessources Switzerland Group.
Website on cement raw materials (German and French)
Report on cement raw materials 2020 (German)